Read what our clients say about our results

“It was a pleasure working with the team at martinwolf. Throughout our six-month journey, the team worked tirelessly to find the best possible outcome for the employees and stockholders of BenefitsXML.
David Donahue, President, Benefits XML
John N. Poole
President and CEO
“As you know, we were considering not only your firm but several larger, national investment banks to serve as advisor to SPS as we went to market to explore strategic options and raise capital. Through the selection process, these other firms offered the big name, scale and volume. But you and your team offered an understanding of our business, our industry, the relevant investment community and insight that helped us consider different options before us… There are the mechanics of running a process that I believe many firms can deliver, but what differentiated you and your firm is the art of the deal. I am very pleased with the outcome you delivered and believe it is the best possible for SPS.”