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martinwolf Intelligence

Reliable, Up-To-Date News and Analysis of the Current IT Market. martinwolf aggressively tracks IT transactions around the globe. Our team profiles public and private companies, researches and tracks transactions, and identifies industry trends. We manage what we believe to be the most comprehensive transaction-related database in our space.

martinwolf Quarterly Earnings Reports

martinwolf Quarterly Earnings Reports (QERs) are quick performance snapshots that track the financial performance of a select number of IT Services businesses. These highlight key statistics and are released on a quarterly basis after earnings are announced.

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Our BCP is developed to ensure business continuity, which is an ongoing state or methodology governing how our business is conducted. martinwolf’s Business Continuity Plan states how we stay in business in the event of disaster. Typical incidents include local events like building fires, regional incidents like earthquakes or floods, or national incidents like pandemic illnesses. However, it is not limited to just that. Any event that could cause the potential for loss of business is considered, including any event that the business is dependent on, such as loss of source of supply, loss of critical infrastructure or the result of theft or vandalism. To view our BCP click here: martinwolf-BCP

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